
Heritage railways, steam railways and railway museums in Great Britain and Ireland

Heritage railways, steam railways and railway museums in Great Britain and Ireland
Heritage railways, steam railways and railway museums in Great Britain and Ireland

Swanage Railway

Run Madly, Breathe Deeply and Shoot Carefully

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Our service from Wareham brought us into the bay platform at Swanage. After we arrived I sprinted (quite literally!) over to Northbrook Road bridge to take these shots, and a few minutes later U class 31806 left with a service for Norden from the main platform.

Meanwhile 08436 (D3551), 80146 (really 80104) and WCRC's 33025 (D6543) wait in the sidings.

Uploaded to Flickr by jalapenokitten on 22 January 2018

Creative Commons License Photo © jalapenokitten, 22 January 2018. Licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons licence

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