Very, VERY occasionally, I make the right decision when taking a picture. The sun was shining but low in the sky, and the two engines had already picked up speed. I panned and clicked - and got away with it!
The lead loco is Kerr Stuart 0-4-0WT #3063 of 1918 and is a total monster considering it's 99-years old; certainly the crew seemed to be having a whale of a time driving it. Behind is the TKh49 "Polish tank" #4015 Fablok of 1947, which dwarfs the Kerr Stuart but didn't seem to be steaming nearly as well. 4th November 2017.
Uploaded to Flickr by jim40135 on 5 November 2017
Photo © jim40135, 5 November 2017.
Licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons licence