
Heritage railways, steam railways and railway museums in Great Britain and Ireland

Heritage railways, steam railways and railway museums in Great Britain and Ireland
Heritage railways, steam railways and railway museums in Great Britain and Ireland

Threlkeld Quarry Railway

Model Railway

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Looking down from the extensive waste mound between the shed and the quarry gives the impression of a model railway layout. From left to right : Sir Tom - Threlkeld's own 1926 Bagnall, Cloister - Hampshire Narrow Gauge Railway Trust's 1891 Hunslet, Jack Lane - Statfold Barn's 2005 Hunslet, and, hiding behind the water tower, CSR No 19 - Statfold Barn's 1914 Hudswell Clarke.

Uploaded to Flickr by ARG_Flickr on 4 August 2017

Creative Commons License Photo © ARG_Flickr, 4 August 2017. Licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons licence

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